We are a part of the Old Catholic Movement with valid apostolic succession recognized by Rome. However, through the Church in Utrecht, while maintaining valid Holy Orders, we are separated from the Roman Church.
We continue to adhere to the teachings of the Apostles and their successors, the Bishops of the church in union with each other. We believe in the Real Presence of Christ (transubstantiation) in the Eucharist, the necessity of the 7 Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders) as conduits of grace. We believe Sacred Scripture is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and Sacred Tradition as handed down by the Apostles. We believe in veneration and in the intercession of Our Lady and the Saints, prayers for the suffering souls in Purgatory, belief in the merits of Jesus' salvific work through His Passion, Death, and Resurrection; our faith being made real through our works as the means of salvation, and all other dogmas that have been a part of the Catholic Church since Christ founded it in 33 A.D.
Taking Our Lord Jesus Christ as our Example, we reject all doctrines of exclusion that restrict who may receive the Sacraments because of conditions of birth or circumstances not in their control. This is why all our clergy joyfully perform the 7 Sacraments for all God's people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status (past or present, married or divorced). We ordain women and members of the LGBT+ community who feel called and we allow both celibate and married priests.
Our mission is rooted in the dual principles of promulgating the Apostolic Teaching of the ancient Church and unconditional, relentless, Christian love. Because we preach the Gospel, we embrace those cast out, abandoned, and unwelcome - and just as Our Lord said "a new commandment I give you - love one another as I have loved you" so we strive to offer all His children the healing power of His Love.
If you feel called to practice your Catholic faith with devotion and fervor - but have been rejected because of your sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or desire to marry - The American Apostolic Old Catholic Catholic Church welcomes you with joy!